Ke, evean! Applestorm here... for those that was wondering what happened to my daily schedule of posts, it's because I'm on holidays. While that's often a good thing, it's BAD because I don't have any internet most of the time - meaning I can't write or post anything.
I'll be back eventually, but until then please understand that I can't do much. For those that have questions, I'll try to answer them as soon as possible!
Thanks for reading this message!
Ruby and Midnight were walking down the dark halls of the Vampire Lord's mansion.
Midnight: It's been a while since I've seen the Vampire Lord.
Ruby: I'm sure he's been busy with things... I know we have, with warning villages, training for hours, picking fruit and trying to figure out what on earth the UnMythics weapon is.
They entered the council room where the Vampire Lord appeared in a flash of thunder and lightning (again).
Vampire Lord: Greetings, Ruby DeathDancer, Midnight DarkMoon.
Ruby: Likewise, oh powerful one.
Vampire Lord: I'm assuming you didn't just come here to wish me a good morning, young Vampires?
Ruby: No. Some UnMythics sent a cinnamon tainted letter, and stuck it in the middle of the village. We got rid of it and returned the favor.
Vampire Lord: And what did this message say?
Ruby: I don't know. We couldn't get near it without getting sick. But most likely a warning message to give up.
Vampire Lord: Thank you for letting this come to my attention. But train hard now - we only have so much time.
Ruby: As you wish.
Ruby and Midnight leave for the training grounds where they meet Melody and Jack.
Melody: Hi! Ruby! Midnight! You guys here to train for a while before heading in for something to eat?
Midnight: That would be the idea, yes.
Just then, three young Vampires showed up around the corner. Melody waved at them and they approached.
Melody: Just in time, then! Ruby, Midnight, I'd like you to meet Caleb, Perry, and Ramona. You guys will be joined together this training session.
Midnight: If it's not a stupid question... why?
Melody: Jack has a new technique he would like to teach you all. He says it's better in a group instead of one at a time.
Ruby: What is it, then?
Melody: Show them, Jack!
Jack took a few steps back, before suddenly throwing a dagger past Ruby's face. They hear a thud as the small weapon hits a target hidden behind some barrels.
Jack: Daggers are smaller than swords, which is why they are mostly used in offense more then defense... Today I'll be teaching you how to throw one.
Perry (blue wolf): Are you serious? That's all we're doing today? Learning how to throw a kitchen knife?
Jack: You think it's easy, don't you?
Midnight: I'm sorry, but I have to agree with him. It really can't be that hard.
Jack walked over and pulled the dagger from the target. He gave it to Midnight, and stepped a little way off.
Jack: If it's so easy, why don't you try?
Midnight took aim at the target, and threw the dagger at it. The dagger, instead of hitting the target, almost hit an apprentice who was training with a sword expert.
Jack: Not so simple, isn't it?
Midnight: Alright, alright... you've made your point. Can we please continue?
Jack retrieved the dagger and he continued his lesson.
Jack: As Midnight's kindly demonstrated, this skill is nothing to sneeze at. You need accuracy as well as strength to use this weapon properly.
Ramona (yellow deer): Will we be using this skill on the battlefield?
Jack: Sadly, no. While this is a great assassination tool, it's... less then brilliant when battling. Show them, Melody?
Melody picked up a normal sword and she and Jack prepared to battle each other. Melody charged at Jack, easily taking him down.
Caleb (black koala): Then why don't we use super big swords? Like the ones the mercenaries use in Iceflame?

Jack: THAT was in the olden days - when they actually needed them to make sure the Ice Giants didn't keep destroying their houses. And you're talking about claymores - super heavy and big, but they get the job done fast enough.
Perry: ...-
Jack: Don't even think about it, Perry. We're not getting you one, and besides. It's not like you'll be able to lift it.
Jack threw his dagger at the target again before speaking again.
Jack: Any questions before we start?
No one said anything, so Jack continued.
Jack: Ok. Now here's what you have to do...
Everyone listen as Jack taught them how to throw a dagger.
When I saw Perry's name, i started singing this:
AGENT P!!!!!!!!
Ahem. Do you watch Phineas and Ferb?
Why yes.
DeleteYes I do.
Yay! I know what I'm gonna ask today!
DeleteDo you ship PhinBella? (I sure do-they are so cute!)
And also, are you a Platypus fan? They are native to Australia and the Guinea Islands, correct? I, for one, am quite fond of them. Come here wittle platypus, come here, come here... OW! No biting, Bob!
Phineas was too oblivious to realize Isabella's crush on him. It pained me greatly to watch time and time again to see Isabella trying to get Phinea's attention (and mostly failing) and if she does, she instantly chickens out and says "Nothing". It's only when they go to college Phineas finds out about it, and wants to make it right.
DeleteAnd platypuses only come from Australia. We looked it up. It said nothing about them coming from Guinea.
... But you do have some platitude for the duck beak furballs, I'll give you that. saw that episode, huh? Poor Swampy :-(
DeleteThe thing I was watching, it said they came from Australia and some islands above it. I could have gotten the name wrong...
And yes, i've always wanted a Platypus. I will name him Perry.
(I have a Platypus LPS that I named Phyllian. Phyllian is the name of some Platypus from a comic I read.)
Oh, and I made a PNF OC. It's their daughter from the future. (I can't remember her name right now, comment later!)