Saturday, October 17, 2015

Werewolf kid

Yup, I'm back with another picture from one of my many untold tales and stuff. You should (hopefully) know I write about Vampires, right? Meet their arch nemesis - THE WEREWOLVES!!!

... Ok, Adolphe isn't actually that threatening. He's just an big timid puppy dog, with a cat companion helping him through the streets of Scotland and such.

Still, hope you guys like it!


  1. Ooh, cool! I like the lighting at some parts. :D

  2. Replies
    1. He technically is, but in another story of mine. I doubt I'll have him in UV, but maybe I'll draw more pictures of him in the future. I have a lot tales I haven't shared with the world, but few get shown.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hey, could you tell me some more of his story? If I'm gonna do a comic, I should know as much as I can so I don't screw up XD

    4. Originally came from France, ran away to Scotland and almost got killed by a hunting party, escaped into a small town and found female cat who helped him hide from danger (Adolphe named her Bella to remind him where he came from).

      Almost died again when stole meat from the local butcher (Allan) but escapes to the forest, and hides in a rich girls home. She finds out, but with some convincing allows Adolphe to stay as a servant.

      Is this a start?

    5. Yes, most defiantly!
      I just need to know WHY he left France. And if it's ok with you that Bella can speak (but only to Adolphe since he's the only one that can understand)

    6. Adolphe left France because everyone was after him for "not being human". He wanted to have a fresh start, but as you can see that didn't work out well. He had no family that he knew of (and even if he did, would they let him stay?), so he boarded a ship to Scotland.

      And yes, seeing that Adolphe is part animal, Bella is allowed to communicate with him.

    7. Thankfully, I just started the first post and that's pretty much how it went! Excepct for the guards just saying he was a thief...But I'll surely change that to however YOU want it!
      It WAS your idea, It's the least I can do.

    8. OK! I got he blog up and running (finally). Check it out here:
