Ruby: Wow. It only took a few days for everything to be ruined...
Ruby and Barak headed towards the steep hill where the Vampire Lord's mansion was. They got there soon enough, and called out to see if anyone was there.
Ruby: HELLO?
A faint echo sounded, but no one answered.
Ruby: ... Ok. Totally normal. Barak, go inside and investigate.
Barak: But... what if there's something in there?
Ruby: You're the Dragon's Champion... You can shoot light beams at your enemies, sending them flying off towards high mountains, you can see through your foes eyes and watch their every move, not to mention your an amazing flier... I think you'll be fine. Plus, If there are no traps at the front door, I'll be with you. I'm not heartless, Barak! Your a kid - there's only so many dangers you can handle alone!
Barak: ... Alright.
Barak flew into a nearby broken window, and got inside. After a minute, the front gates opened, letting Ruby in with him.
The halls on the mansion seemed unharmed, which surprised Ruby.
Ruby: This place is so protected that the UnMythics haven't even touched it!
Ruby started wandering around the halls, but didn't find anything until she went into the big private library. A lot of apprentice scribes were camping out in the open, reading and talking. They all got up in alarm as Ruby entered with Barak. One of them even grabbed a nearby dagger.
Ruby: Woah! Hold your horses! I'm one of you guys!
Kay (pink wolf): Oh, phew! We thought an UnMythic had somehow managed to find out we're still here... What the news from the outside world?
Ruby: We won! The UnMythic army is evacuating as we speak.
Donald (white deer): Seriously? Your not kidding? And Zoe was prepared for the war to last for years!
Ruby: Yup. Me and Barak just came in to see if there was anyone here - where are all the villagers anyway?
Henry (brown wolf): In the forest. Us more important Vampires-
Kay: HENRY...
Henry: -... I mean, us scribes and guards stayed up in the mansion for safety. It has served us pretty well...
Ruby: So, where are the guards?
Zoe (blue eagle): They patrol a lot of the mansion, making sure we're all safe. The Vampire Lord comes and goes, we're not sure where, and we don't dare ask. He's our leader and all - I'm sure he has his reasons.
Ruby: Well... Please tell anyone you meet about the news, now if you'll excuse us, we have to find the Vampire Lord. (even though I'm pretty sure he got our message)
Ruby and Barak left the library and hurried down the empty halls. They came across a few guards paroling the place, and told them the news.
After a few more minutes of exploring, they reached the meeting room of the Vampire Lord's. A crash of lightning sounded, and the rain started to fall hard.
Ruby: He doesn't appear to be here.
Barak: Should we wait for him, or go look for him?
Ruby: ... Better luck if we wait here. Besides, Echo can't have been that slow...
They didn't have to wait for very long, because in a flash of lightning and a crash of thunder, the Vampire Lord appeared over them, not surprising Ruby that much.
Vampire Lord: Ah, you have returned from your mission. I am pleased to see you have returned safely.
Ruby: Yes. The UnMythics are no longer a threat to our race!
Vampire Lord: While that may be true, that doesn't mean all of them are going to leave.
Barak: How come, sir?
Vampire Lord: From what I can gather, not all UnMythics are bad... some have even proved helpful.
Ruby: Like Sapphire, I guess...
Vampire Lord: Indeed. I had doubts in her, but she was determined to help her enemy, and sooner or later became one of us in some words.
Barak: Are you suggesting Sapphire is a bit fishy?
Vampire Lord: Yes, Champion of Dragons. That's exactly what I'm saying.
Ruby: A bit fishy... so is she, or isn't she a Mythic?

Vampire Lord: She's a Mythic, but there's something different from Vampire in her. But we'll talk about that later... About your reward.
Ruby stood there, a little confused.
Ruby: Reward?
Vampire Lord: You and your friends have preformed a great achievement, which was stopping the UnMythics from taking over the island. So, you may ask anything as long as it's in my power.
Ruby thought hard for a minute before replying.
Ruby: ... Can I think about this for a few days with my friends? If that's ok with you, of course...
Vampire Lord: Of course. I'll be waiting, until then...
And with a flash of light, the Vampire Lord disappeared.
Your post looks fine, I'll wait however long you need us to in order to work on it! Happy Thx-giving BTW :)
ReplyDelete(Oh, sorry, I forgot you're an Aussie, and not an American! lOl!)
DeleteDo you know what Thanksgiving is?
Of it. But apart from the knowledge that it exists, I know nothing about Thanksgiving's history.
DeleteMany years ago, some people in Britain felt pressured by the Religion there. So they traveled to a new land in order to truly practice their beliefs!
They went to a new land aboard the ship Mayflower, and settled in a place called Plymouth. But soon, they realized they couldn't survive!
The seeds they brought would work in the soil, many have gotten seasick, and the trees were so...different! How would they ever survive!?
After many harsh, freezing winters (many died, so sad), a small group of people known as Native Americans saw our struggles and were wanting to help. They showing us how to properly plant seeds, fish, and making houses. In no time we were thriving, and were making good friends with the tribe.
We were to have a feast in honor of our survival and new friends. The tribe wanted to join in, but we weren't ready to have 90 Natives at our table! So the chief was kind enough to send some out hunting.
We talked and laughed, and ate one of the biggest feasts ever!!!
We celebrate that wonderful time of peace as Thanksgiving. We sit down at tables with family, say our prayers, and have a wonderful feast! Don't forget the turkey. Ironically, though, it was never on the original menu: Duck, Lobster, Venison, and other things were.
And that's our holiday for ya! I'd also love to learn about your culture, if you wanna talk about it! :) So long!
(Note: As more and more people came to America, we slowly began to drive the Indians off the land. And now...well, reserves. Very sad. 😰)