Saturday, January 27, 2018

Banjo playin' Demon creature

Another week, another random picture. Another day, another dollar, not working my whole life away but probably should because I'm absolutely USELESS to society!
... Wynn Steward, everyone.

Just to clarify, I have like, no idea how to draw banjos... or any musical instrument, for that matter. I just made random stuff up as I went along.
... Not bad for not knowing what I was doing though, eh? :)


  1. Ooh, I like the eyes! Drawing instruments is hard. Who knows how to draw them correctly? Well.. someone out there does; not me either.
    Hmm.. I want to hear their sweet demonic banjo tunes. <3

    1. - Insert epic battle-theme here -
      - also the tears of their enemies -
      - for playing such stupidly awesome music -
      - with a BANJO -
