Ruby: It's getting late. We'll have to continue our search later with help from Barak if Midnight still doesn't turn up.
Sunshine: I agree. It's dangerous roaming strange streets during nighttime. And I don't trust the guards enough to ensure that the town is fully protected.
As they were about to turn a corner, a group of masked Vampires ambushed them, and Ruby sighed.
Ruby: If it's not one thing, it's another... Ok, what do you want?
??? (red deer): Isn't it obvious? We're going to steal from you!
Ruby: What makes you think you can do that?
??? (tan kangaroo): We're thieves, obviously! It's what we do.
Ruby: So you think. I've dealt with your kind before, and it's no big deal. If you want a fight, be my guest!
???: You think we're scared of you?
Ruby: As a matter of fact, I do.
Sunshine: Ruby! Is it a good idea to provoke dangerous people?
Ruby: Relax, they probably won't be much different from M.O.S.T.
Sunshine: If you say so, I guess...
One of the bandits was about to attack Ruby, when a voice made them stop.
Midnight: Hey! at ease troops!
Midnight appeared from the shadows with a few more Vampires. Ruby walked up to him, and punched him in the shoulder. The masked Vampires gasped as he staggered back.
Midnight: OW! That's no way to treat a friend!
Ron: You can't treat the prince like that!
Sunshine: Prince? Ok, what have you been up too?
Midnight: Nothing!
Ruby: Yeah, right! We know you too well, Midnight. You did something!
??? (white fox): Mind telling us about your friends, Cole?
Midnight: Sure. Ruby, Sunshine, apparently these guys call themselves the "Storm Gang" (it doesn't even stand for anything!)... They think I'm their leader, and refuse to believe otherwise. Heck, they even treat me like royalty!
Ruby: That's a new one.
Sunshine: Well, I'm sure you've had your fun, but let's get back to the inn before it gets any darker!
Midnight: Already? But it's not even-
Ruby grabbed Midnight's bruised arm and started to drag him back to the inn. The Storm Gang members hastily followed them, but once they got to the place, they slunk back into the shadows.
Midnight: You girls never let me have any fun!
Ruby: You can play king of the thieves tomorrow - we need to make more solid plans, plus it would be nice to go to bed.
Midnight: You're not my mother!
Ruby: How'd you guess?
Ruby shoved Midnight through the door, and Sunshine followed close behind, wanting to get away from the weird Vampires.
Barak bounded down the stairs, with Fang on his back (eating a sandwich).
Barak: Hello, Ruby! You're back!
Ruby: How did you know I was gone?
Barak: W-uh... I didn't see you around the inn, so... I just assumed...
Ruby: It's ok, Barak. No need to feel guilty for knowing I was gone! Can't say the same to Fang, though...
Fang ignored Ruby and continued eating. Zelda suddenly come in, and locked the door behind her.
Sunshine: Why'd you do that?
Zelda: Its law that we lock our doors after nightfall. It's stupid, but the guards always check to make sure we do... Honestly, It's bad for business, here at the Mist Tavern... you kids should head to your rooms - I'll get you something to eat once I've secured the place.
They obeyed and walked up the stairs to their rooms. The girls patiently waited, while Midnight paced around his room, while Barak just sat on his bed with Fang.
Fang: Relax, Midnight. You can sneak out and have fun later on, once everyone's asleep.
Midnight: I know. I plan on doing that, but what bothers me is that gang...
Fang: How so?
Midnight: They keep calling me "Cole", and treated me like a king. It was... weird, to say the least.

Fang: Has "Maybe there is someone in the castle whose name is Cole, who happens to be a prince and the leader of the thieves, and looks just like you" crossed your mind at all?
Midnight whipped around and faced Fang, stunned at the idea. The spider shrugged, and looked knowingly back.
Fang: Just a thought...
Midnight thought hard for the next few minutes, before quietly opening the door, and sneaking out.
Barak nudged Fang, a bit worried.
Barak: Uncle Fr-
Fang: It's Fang, Barak. The walls have ears, you know.
Barak: S-sorry... Fang, do you think it was a good idea to reveal that?
Fang: The boy would've figured it out sooner or later. Besides, it's kind of obvious, isn't it?
Barak gave a little whine, and slumped back. Fang patted his scales with a spidery leg.
Greedy Santa: Leaves presents under your tree, not.