Every once in a while, the two kings would allow their children to go to the village, to explore and learn more about their kingdom. But one fateful day, the two children met each other face to face.

Afterwards, you and Princess Aurora often met in the village, playing games and having fun. But the kings didn't like their children playing with the enemy, so they banned you from leaving the castle in order to prevent that.
But you found a way past them, and disappeared with Aurora. We never found out where you went, and assumed you were dead...
Denis: But it seems that you've somehow made it back, after all these years... How is that so?
Midnight: I... I don't remember any of that happening. I just remember... growing up at an inn, with Sunshine... a lot of blur... I've just assumed we were both orphans, because neither of us remembered our parents...
Denis: Yes, the brain can be like that.
Cole: So... this stranger, is my older brother?
Midnight: ... Cole... if you really are my brother, then can you promise me something?
Cole: I-...yeah... Sure. What is it?
Midnight waited for a second before opening his mouth again.
Midnight: Promise me you won't tell anyone what we just learned. No one.
Cole thought for a moment before nodding his head.
Cole: Ok.
Midnight: Do you swear it on the honor of... whatever code or club you follow?
Cole: I swear it on my honor as a Storm member.
The two brothers shook hands.
Denis: Now, prince Orpheus-
Midnight: W-... Oh. You mean me... Just call me Midnight, ok?
Denis: Well, Midnight... if you're here, where's Princess Aurora of the white kingdom?
Midnight: You're probably talking about Sunshine. She's currently at the inn where I'm staying, with two friends.
Denis: You must give her the news, as soon as possible!
Midnight: What?! Tell her she's royalty? A princess? She'd never believe me!
Cole: Why not?
Midnight: I'm a thief for one thing. I already have truth issues with my team, and... she just wouldn't believe it.
Cole: You did!
Midnight: Because it makes sense! Sort of... kinda... maybe... Let's just go. I've got my (confusing) answer, so there's no reason to stay.
Denis unbarred the door, letting Midnight and Cole get out into the dark streets.
Midnight quietly sneaked through his bedroom window, where Barak seemed to be sleeping. He carefully climbed into his own bed, hoping no one had noticed his absence.
Fang: You're back.
Midnight turned over to face Fang, his eyes glowing slightly.
Midnight: Did anyone else notice?
Fang: No. I made sure of that. But the question I want to ask is, did you learn anything?
Midnight: Yup... Turns out me and Sunshine are royalty. And from rival kingdoms... But I'm not even sure if I should believe it!
Fang: The facts are there, so you better believe it.
Midnight sat up, thinking hard. After a while, Fang spoke up again.
Fang: Does she know?
Midnight: *sigh* Probably not. Even if she did know, would she accept it?
Fang: Not without evidence, no.
Midnight: Yeah, that's what I thought...
Fang jumped down and scurried off into the darkness, leaving Midnight to himself.
Oh boy!