Saturday, March 17, 2018

Cyclops Ghost

Salutations, my brave weather-beaten comrades! How are you faring with your unearthly elemental conditions this present moment? Professionally? Horribly? Barely?
... Excellent! Well, we seem to have half a fairy ring in our front garden at the moment. The fairies probably got blown away from the fierce winds before they could finish the job... Blasted creatures. Don't they have better things to do?
Then again, I hear they're delicious
Been trying to expand my knowledge on the human body and how to draw it in more than one fruitlin way. IT'S BEEN A TIME, to say the least...

Also, how'd you like Felix the Cyclops security ghost with his snazzy vest and turtleneck?

I'm still questioning why I chose purple and orange. I mean, yes, originality, but...
... How do I keep coming up with these abominations?? WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?


  1. The weather? It's annoying and doesn't stop to make much sense. ... Oh you meant about me probably. I'm fine right now actually. Annoyed at the weather though, haha, but that's besides the point.

    A purple and orange cyclops ghost?! Ahh, I already love Felix the Cyclops Ghost fellow! I like his bright eye and those freckles.. so cute! You made the colors look nice together- maybe I think so because they're pastel colors and I like those lol.

    Well, at least you have enough motivation to continually post your "abominations" that I enjoy looking at. :')

    As for where they come from, I'll say they come from the imaginative land of Stormy Apples.

    1. ~How beautifully blue the sky, the grass is rising very high
      Continue fine I hope it may, and yet it rained but yesterday~

      *Pfft* I love creating new characters! It's just unfortunately it's the only thing I can do consistently. I'd much rather share more art about UV and all their stories, but my artistic drive likes to be free, so... *shrugs*

      "The Imaginative land of Stormy Apples"?
      Sounds legit. :)

  2. I am so sorry I haven't commented or done anything in so long. I haven't been able to get to my blogs because my computer mysteriously locked them from me, and short version, I'm not getting through. Just letting you know I'm still here and I care about you a lot!

    1. Huh. Computer locking you out of your blogs? That's no good! Hope you hack your way back in soon! :)

      Appreciation for dropping by and sayin' hi too, EPet! Glad your still alive and stuff! <3

    2. Ok, good news, I can get in again, but internet is running really slow (always a catch!). I hope we stay friends even though I'm not as active as before!
