Saturday, March 10, 2018

Kimono Dragon Girl

A delightful good morning to all you wonderful individuals around the world on this fine day! As I express acknowledgement to any and all readers who may have decided to indulge themselves in glancing at the words scribed on this piece of brilliantly thought out electronic equipment, I would like to publicly announce that I have no idea what I'm saying!

Also that colour science is quite interesting! (Not interesting enough to change my career choice, but still)

Apologies if this looks a little off. I was playing 'round with the settings and for some reason I really liked it like this. 
Also, I put  W A Y  too much effort in the dress.


  1. Hello, Applestorm! Yes, I enjoy reading the words you've typed out onto whichever electronic device you're reading this here comment on! :)

    I like the kimono. Looks sparkly in some places. And whoa, I love how you did the sky. It looks so beautiful and colorful, and I'm in love with it.

    Ok bye, have a nice day!

    1. Kehehe, thanks! Reading Oliver Twist got me into the mood for some really long and unnecessary text! *Pfft* Glad you enjoyed it!

      Yeah. I was really proud of that sky! I doubt I'll be able to replicate it again, but that's good because I need verity in my drawings! (otherwise I wont be able to tell them apart) :)

      A good day to you too, miss Cutepups <3
