Saturday, November 24, 2018

Mud Hill Twins

 Hello. Not much today I'm afraid, but considering how busy and stressed I've been this week, that doesn't surprise me.
Ah well..
Least I managed to do a cool space background without much difficulty!
That's always nice. :)

So I guess I'll be taking the next day or so relaxing while I wait for my spirit to catch up with me...
On that note, you guys all have a good week now! <3

Saturday, November 17, 2018


Hey, guys. We're about half-way through November now, it seems...
Didn't realize how fast this year was going. It'll be December next time I look at a calendar again, wont it?
ANYWAY... Here's a little Phossy pic I upgraded this afternoon! <3

This is pretty much the only thing I drew this week.
 Ah well...some weeks are just like that, I guess.

Saturday, November 10, 2018


HEYO! Another week has officially died, and with it everything we meant to do but didn't get around to...
But no worries; the next week is just around the corner, so we can try our best all over again!

Just Vincent having a good time~
He's so fluffy and cute, despite him being a penguin hybrid monstrosity. <3

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The old bedroom...

Wouldja' look at that? Another UV picture with a detailed background!

Nothing like Home Sweet Home, eh Ruby?
... No wonder you tried to get out of there as fast as you could...