Saturday, November 5, 2016

Where the ghosts of my memories play

... Don't ask what I've created. I don't know. It's got a dapper owlish-furry creature thing with cute colourful ghosts.

And before some of you ask, no, I haven't forgotten Undercover Vamparoo posts! I've been meaning to finish the next part to the first chapter, but... 
*insert long silence and cricket chirping here*

... Y'know what? I'm telling you.

I'm working on a Christmas Comic Special for December (obviously), and I can't do anything else majorly productive (like writing) while I'm excited about this new(ish) project!

So, yeah... But who knows? If I put my mind to it, and with some luck, I might be able to get a UV update this Thursday!

(I doubt it, but one can hope)

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