Hm... We're off to a great start this year! The first Picture Post is a day late. Swell...
D'ya wanna know why this was late? No? Oh well...
I'll tell you anyway.
The shopping cart took most of my Friday, and Saturday afternoon. So as you can imagine, that slowed the post down a fair bit... But that wasn't the main issue.
Nowadays, outlining for me takes around 1-2 hours, depending what kind of creative mind I happen to be in.
... It took over five, this time. Five. Long. Frustrating. Hours. Of trying to draw Yakko, Wakko, and Dot.
It was past two in the early morning of Sunday before I decided to stop drawing and go to bed. I hated not finishing, but I was tired, overworked, and angry, so I forced myself to give in and quit.
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Well... Long story short, I managed to finish it eventually. Not entirely happy with it, but good enough.
Plus, the delay was worth it, right? I did fan-art of one of my favorite cartoons!
I NEVER show fan-art! This causes for a celebration!
*brings out banana cake*
Oh wait... There's a screen stopping you from eating this delicious cake of bananas and cinnamon...
... More for me, then! >:)