Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Valetine's Day Special

Yup. It's me again. And to be honest, I almost couldn't finish this special on time! Mainly because I didn't realize it was Valetine's Day until the day before.
 So you can imagine I panicked a little.

So... it may be a day late, but here's what I did!

I thought it would be funny to put the two new boys in fancy dresses! I would've put Midnight through the same punishment as well, but I was too lazy to add him in.

... I'm aware Ollie's boots is a little off, but I didn't realize that until I had it all colored in, and therefor couldn't fix it.

Anyway, Happy Single Awareness Day!


  1. Happy VD! <333 I myself never got to create anything special though... I only noticed that it was Valentine's Day when my mum brought it up halfway into the day XD And of course, I was lazy, and currently working on something else more urgent... oh well. It's just the 14th day of Feb after all.

    May I ask why the owl (sorry, I don't know his name...) seems to be enjoying his punishment even though it is... a punishment? And I would've love to see Midnight put through the same ordeal... but I guess he'd already gotten enough of it from last year >:)

    1. This wasn't a punishment to Harland (penguin, although his father was an eagle) at all... He actually does enjoy wearing dresses, but it's not as comfy as his normal street-clothes (otherwise he would wear 'em more often), and it's a lot harder to move around in.

      I agree. I would've loved to put Midnight back into a fancy ball gown this year as well, but there simply wasn't time... Oh well. :)
