Saturday, December 30, 2017

Toothpaste Kangaroo

HELLO! Guess what I literally did for an entire week? Yup! Play Splatoon 2!

So far I've managed to complete story mode, level up to 14, and become a Professional in Salmon Run! Now I just have to level up 9 more times and then I can get my Mini Splatling back! Ah, the joys of grinding for weapons...

ANYWAY...  Managed to whip up a picture in time for the weekly post, so I guess I was a little productive. Not gonna do a New Year's post, though, cause I have a sneaking suspicion I'm going to be a little too busy to think (or care) about that kinda stuff, so  have a toothpaste inspired kangaroo instead!

No, my braces aren't driving me insane, I just though it would be kinda cool to have a greenish-blue and red colour scheme.

... Oh shush. S'not the weirdest thing I've drawn. Besides, you have to admit that this look pretty good! Anyway, hope to see you guys again next year! :)
*here's hoping this year doesn't suck*

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Dino Kid

HI! Christmas is almost here, and all I'm feeling in the air is the HEAVY ANNOYNACE THAT I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER WHOLE DAY BEFORE I CAN PLAY SPLATOON 2!!!

*deep breath*
...Here, have a chocolate dino boy~

After an entire week of arts' block, it feels great to finally ink and colour something properly, again.

 A Merry and happy day to you all, and may you always remember that anything you get for Christmas this year can be given back next year at the second-hand store! :)

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Harland coming right back at'cha~

 Hello! So, without really meaning to, I might've accidentally drawn our residential cross-dresser again. But that's fine, cuz' out of all the main characters I have, he's probably the most festive and good-willed of the bunch...

... He's also a penguin. That technically fits in with the theme of this month.

And it's moments like these that I realize how much I love my characters. Especially the boys; Midnight being delightfully impish, Ollie with his mad cooking skills and anger issues frustration with being mistaken for a girl 24/7, and Harland just... just being awesome.

 He's sweet, excitable, loves to socialize with everybody, has an INSANE passion for clothing (especially dresses and jewelry) and has this weird fascination for Ruby that for the life of him refuses to shake off.

Aah, he was never the one to take no for an answer. Or a brick in the face.
... Make that a bagful...

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Pictures Galore

 Well, well, well... Wouldja' look at that, folks? Looks like Christmas has come EARLY this year! And no, it wasn't because Santa Clause got hit by some of his gravity-defying reindeer again, or because one of his elves had spiked the eggnog; NO!

It was because I threatened the government to move the holiday to the 9th so we could all unwrap our gifts early and NOT be tortured for weeks and weeks and forget all about the true meaning of the Christmas~ Wasn't that THOUGHTFUL of me?

... Possibly? Well, you're welcome, in any case. Here, have some pictures from your new favorite terrorist!

Aaah... It feels good to post lots of pictures all at once, again.

Whelp... See you all next week! <3

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Christmas Connie (Natural)

Hello! Tis' finally the season to be jolly, so let's kick this month off with something festive from the UV archives!

STARTING OFF with the return of one of the Nutthera girls in appropriate fashion~

I'm really proud on how the clothes came out in this. Especially the skirt. <3

Also, here's hoping I can come up with something Ru' and Harland related before December's over; that's my special goal for the next couple of weeks! 

[Those two should not be dating (and they aren't... WONT, for a good couple of years) but BOY are they so weirdly perfect for each other! Kinda freaky, actually.]