Saturday, January 13, 2018

Shark Creature

Hello! Guess what my brain wanted me to draw again? Yup. Another ocean dweller.
But that's cool, because they are technically a part of the UV universe! Ah, the majestic Egyptian-esch race of the underwater world... Obsessed with all forms of music and art, protectors of kelp-forests, and lovers of destroying entire fleets of ships, causing hundreds of sailors to drown because of reasons.

... Mostly revenge, I think, because in the olden days, sailors thought it was bad luck to have women on their boats, so whenever they found a stowaway, they'd throw 'em overboard.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go off and enjoy my first Splatfest in Splatoon 2! Team Action, prepare to get absolutely owned


  1. I don't know who this is, but I already love them.

    1. Yeah, she's pretty cool. Doesn't talk that much, but that's okay! Can be pretty violent at times too, but she has her reasons~ <3
