Saturday, March 31, 2018

Headphoned Kangaroo

Heyo! You guys doing good? Nice. My teeth have stopped hurting (not to mention my mouth) since my last wire change, so I've been enjoying chomping down on all kinda things without the sensation of a needle stabbing my gums! Might try eating cereal again by next week, but we'll see.

This week's a bit more simple than last week's picture, but that's okay! I still like it. :)

I like headphones, but have never been able to figure out how to draw 'em until today.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

SCIENCE at its finest!

BEHOLD, the most amazing little lizard science-boy genius YOU MERE MORTALS SHALL EVER SET YOUR EYES UPON!!!

Yeah, so... Pretty cool, right? Spend like, a good two hours outlining the background alone. Definitely payed off, though! Loved how the computer came out! That random crushed can on the floor isn't too bad, either!

And I loved how lizard-boy's body ended up! The torso, the tail, that glorious hair...
Anyway. See you guys next week! Try not to get yourselves killed or anything! :)

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Cyclops Ghost

Salutations, my brave weather-beaten comrades! How are you faring with your unearthly elemental conditions this present moment? Professionally? Horribly? Barely?
... Excellent! Well, we seem to have half a fairy ring in our front garden at the moment. The fairies probably got blown away from the fierce winds before they could finish the job... Blasted creatures. Don't they have better things to do?
Then again, I hear they're delicious
Been trying to expand my knowledge on the human body and how to draw it in more than one fruitlin way. IT'S BEEN A TIME, to say the least...

Also, how'd you like Felix the Cyclops security ghost with his snazzy vest and turtleneck?

I'm still questioning why I chose purple and orange. I mean, yes, originality, but...
... How do I keep coming up with these abominations?? WHERE DID THEY COME FROM?

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Kimono Dragon Girl

A delightful good morning to all you wonderful individuals around the world on this fine day! As I express acknowledgement to any and all readers who may have decided to indulge themselves in glancing at the words scribed on this piece of brilliantly thought out electronic equipment, I would like to publicly announce that I have no idea what I'm saying!

Also that colour science is quite interesting! (Not interesting enough to change my career choice, but still)

Apologies if this looks a little off. I was playing 'round with the settings and for some reason I really liked it like this. 
Also, I put  W A Y  too much effort in the dress.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Charlene Casandra Snowrust

Good morning! Say, how would you guys like to meet another one of my stupidly adorable original characters?

This is Cas! Ollie's to-be-eventually-whenever-I-start-writing-this-down college girlfriend!
She's a cute, high-class Lolita bunny whose as sweet as can be until you call her Charlie.
Don't call her Charlie. She gets enough of that from her parents...

... Might've gone a little overboard on the pink factor here, now that I think about it...
 But then again, this is something that Cas would do, SO...

Also, learning the basics of Lolita fashion. Yay for skirts and vests and ribbons!