Saturday, March 24, 2018

SCIENCE at its finest!

BEHOLD, the most amazing little lizard science-boy genius YOU MERE MORTALS SHALL EVER SET YOUR EYES UPON!!!

Yeah, so... Pretty cool, right? Spend like, a good two hours outlining the background alone. Definitely payed off, though! Loved how the computer came out! That random crushed can on the floor isn't too bad, either!

And I loved how lizard-boy's body ended up! The torso, the tail, that glorious hair...
Anyway. See you guys next week! Try not to get yourselves killed or anything! :)


  1. The background is cool; I like it! I think you're pretty good at drawing them, pfft. A lizard boy with hair? Hmm.. who would've thought. I like his eyes- you always draw bright eyes and they look awesome.
