Hello! Wow. Pretty good week for me. I dunno about you guys, but overall? Pretty good week.
Not too stressed, not too boring, got a bit of drawing done (even a bit on paper), and a fair bit of other stuff... It's been nice. :)
Also decided to outline a little sketch I did last week, which was pretty cool. Liked how it turned out, too!
Been thinking about Fang these past few days. Kinda tempted to talk about him for a bit too, because honestly I think I need to sort out some thoughts I've been having about him...
OKAY so for anyone who needs a bit of a recap, basically Fang used to be a Dragon who got kicked out of his family (might rethink that part now that I'm looking back) and eventually ended up running into an immortal kangaroo lady who HATES dragons... AKA, Grandma (Ruby's 'guardian/adoptive grandmother)
Fang, being kinda shocked at being treated like dirt (because HELLO?? He's a friggin' DRAGON HERE!! Show some respect), sticks around with her only because a) she intrigues him and b) she's the first non-dragon creature who hasn't fled in fear of him or tried to drain him of all his blood and steal his eyeballs or teeth or whatever...
(This is probably why Dragon's don't get out much)
Anyway. Grandma lets Fang stay with her (after trying to kill him a few times... NOT to get his blood, just kill him. Totally different) and after a while they learn more about each other. Why he's here, what happened to him, what happened to her, how did she become immortal - basic stuff.
And eventually Fang requested that, for his safety, he be transformed into a less suspicious creature (because he got BIG after a few dozen years... not what you want when you're trying to hide), and she agreed to try.
Long story short, Grandma transformed Fang into a little anthropomorphic spider, and he ends up becoming forever bound to her because "Aw DANGIT I'm a spider now! This isn't going to get people to stop trying to kill me! UGH I'm not even BIG anymore, THIS IS THE WORST THING THAT COULD'VE HAPPENED TO ME!". So she [reluctantly] looks after him.
Almost 80 years later Fang is still stuck with Grandma. He still complains bitterly about his current form, but has gained a sense of humor and has grown fond of domestic life (if only because of all the sandwiches he gets to eat.. don't get much of those in the wild).
Obviously I skimped out on a whole buncha details, but this is the main gist of Fang's history.
I'm going to sign off now before I start ranting about Grandma. So... yeah.
GOODNIGHT PEOPLE! I hope me talking about a small fuzzy idiot spider hasn't bored you, and I'm looking forward to see you all again next week! :)