Saturday, March 2, 2019


 HELLO, PEOPLE! Uh, so... I'm afraid there's no comic this week (yeah, I'm not surprised either), but when your tablet starts hissing and frothing at the mouth, there's not much you can do but shoot it and get yourself a new one, am I right?
That timing was spectacular, though. Just when I wanted it the most it goes and starts acting RABID on me. The nerve of the thing!

So yeah. New tablet for me!

But as a result of me getting this new tablet, my usual pen settings and stuff have gone all out of whack, meaning I can't really draw anything without it looking... slightly odd. (for lack of a better term) At least for the moment.
 It's gonna take a little bit to get comfortable with this again, but that shouldn't be a huge problem. :)

Not promising anything about comics this time either... If it gets done, it's done and I'll share it with you guys. And if it isn't? Well... *shrug* No pressure on me. 

WHELP! Enjoy your weekend! :)


  1. Aww :( bad tablet! Ok but you gotta love when technology breaks at the most inconvenient times. :^)
    ... that was sarcastic lol.

    That "New Tablet" drawing is pretty good for the first drawing on a new tablet. (Wait, that's what it is, right?). It's cute and cartoony. Oh and I like the character's pose.

    Don't worry about not being able to post a comic. We can't help it when our tech decides to act up on us. And I for one definitely know that feel when you plan on posting a comic or story, but not being able to on the day you said you would or could. Because.. life loves to get in the way. Sadly.
    Not sure if I'm wording this terribly; I'm writing this comment very quickly. Yeah uh, that's pretty much it. Have a good week, Applestorm! <3

    1. Haha, yeah. Technology's great like that. XD

      Yea. I like to draw a quick (but still decent) picture every time I try a new tablet for the first time, just to check out what needs readjusting and stuff... And thank you! Was quite happy with how it turned out! :)

      I thank you for your patience with me; I'll try and enjoy the process and take my time, and let life hit me with whatever it's got!
      Good luck with whatever your going through, too! <3
