Saturday, November 14, 2020

HufflePuff Girl

 Whelp, almost 8 now. Haha, but I don't mind.

This week has been a whole lot better for me than last week. Low bar, sure, but I'm actually pretty happy right now.

Got the new Steam Powered Giraffe album this week, as well as drew a lot of Pokemon stuff, and I'm almost at the Elite 4 in my Nuzlocke game. Only one other Pokemon has died on me so far, but nothing I couldn't recover from.
That's pretty good in my books!

Anyway, here's what I've decided to share with you all tonight!

Ooh, a Harry Potter Wizard Girl with Spider~ I wonder who this could be?

I thought it would be best to do something easily and fun for a change, instead of pushing myself to new and difficult heights that would've brought me to tears even in a good mood. So when a Harry Potter song came up in my Discover Weekly list on Spotify, I was like "... Eh, sure. Let's draw a HufflePuff wizard. Nothing else is working today."

The HP dress code is basically everything I love? Long robes with hoods, fancy colourful ties and the potential for fun patterns and skirts.. It's great! And so satisfying to draw.

It was also the first thing in a few weeks that didn't feel like pulling teeth. *thumbs up* 

Anyway. It's pretty late, and I have things to do now.
See you all next week, then. <3

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