Saturday, June 25, 2022

Hippie Hamster

  Bit of a rough week, but I think I've gotten through it without any long term damage, so that's a good start! I'm not feeling like death, so with any luck a few more days of rest and I can start getting (slowly) back into my art studies or something.
Unless I'm jinxing myself, in that case I'll just spend another week not doing much. This is fine.

 Jingle has been sparking an unusual amount of joy this week, tho. He really does grow on you with his quirky ways and nonsensical rhymes.
Plus he's so scruffy and fun to draw. :3

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Smudge and Ebony character sheets

 Whelp! Finally figured out I have a small touch of burnout yesterday. It's been building up over the past week (or month, I have no idea) but I didn't connect the dots until now. Which is unusually sharp for me, now that I think about it XD
Hopefully I'll sort out this problem soon. And if not........ well. I was only trying to crack the mysteries of perspective and finish sketching out a Hamtaro comic. Nothing that can't wait, I guess.

 I was going through all the things I had drawn this week trying to figure out what I could share, and then I remembered I made some character sheets for Smudge and Ebony for Art Fight!
And they are of better quality than anything else I've made this week, soo... Yeah.
This is what I've done lately.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Tiger Twin Thieves

 Another week goes by and I'm a little deeper in this hamster hole than I was before.
How do I know that?
I've started making comics about them. XD

 We've brainstormed a few ideas over the weeks, but the one I'm working on during the evenings right now is a Maxwell, Stan and Sandy story. The twins are petty crooks masquerading as street performers, and Maxwell is the captain of the royal guard trying to catch the 'Tiger Thief' without knowing there's two of them.
It's a lot of fun. And if nothing else, it's giving me a good excuse to practice my perspective and storytelling abilities. And I REALLY need that.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Hamster Gal Pals

I'm now so deep in the Hamtaro obsession I've started designing ocs.
This is now a thing I'm doing with my life.

No regrets whatsoever tho! <3