Saturday, December 24, 2022

The magic of Sun and Rain

 It's the Eve before Christmas, and yet I am stuck still thinking it's November and feeling like it's October.
What else is new, though?

 Intellectually I am aware it is Christmas Eve, but emotionally? Well, I'm not quite there yet.
Maybe it's because it's been a lovely and cool summer so far, and because it's not hot enough to melt my skin I've been stuck thinking "Oh, it's not Christmas yet. Gotta wait a little bit longer" and it still hasn't happened yet.

And maybe it's because I've been thinking about other things lately. I haven't had any interest in the holiday spirit or even listening to Christmas music. This is fine; Christmas is a state of mind anyway, and once January or February rolls around I'll probably let all my festivities out in then. I'm not bound by any mortal or law to celebrate holidays at the traditional months or weeks.
For now, I'm content with resting and drawing my brain kiddies a little more.

Been drawing Sadness a lot this week because I needed to look after her, but now I feel like I can trust Joy to look after her for me.
It's been a nice, dark and rainy Christmas Eve today. Even if I don't feel any holiday spark, I at least felt these two getting along and working together to create memories I'll cherish (or forget) for next year.
Who knows what's going to happen next year. But at least this year is almost over and I'm still here, so that's a good start.

Still can't believe I drew a little comic about these two last year to be honest XD I don't know how I did that.
But anyway! I hope you guys have happy holidays and I'll see you all again next week to sound off the old year. Hope you're all doing okay too <3

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