Saturday, May 6, 2023

Follow the Guide(bird)

 *the distant sound of a mechanical bird calls you to adventure and discovery*

*this same sound of a mechanical bird calling you to adventure and discovery bemuses you, because why on earth is it dragging you all the way in the middle of nowhere?*

*these are questions that will never be answered*

*unless you keep following it*

*Or unless you follow your idiot friend who believes this mechanical bird is good luck*

*Whatever motivates you, I guess!*


  1. Hmm, interesting… I want to follow the bird. Mechanical bird, huh? I’m intrigued.

    (Also, hey, it’s Shan. It’s been a while since I checked the blog and decided to comment. I’m struggling to comment signed in again. *sigh*)

    1. Excellent! Curiosity will fuel your desire to see where the mechanical bird goes >:3

      (It's good to hear from you again Shan <3 Haha ngl it's been ages since I've ducked into your blog and commented too. But it's awesome to hear from you again mate! even if it's without the voice of your account XD *commiserating shoulder pat*)
