Saturday, September 30, 2023

almost late but technially still within the month so it's on time Vamparoo Anniversary (9th year addition!)

 I had the energy to draw my yearly anniversary picture for the blog (and story) that has been with me since I was a kid, but despite my best attempts to remember I forgot to post this one my blog on the correct date XD But Birthdays are a weekly event, and since I correctly did the math that Saturday still counted as 'September' I was like "Eh! Good enough. Not gonna be perfectionist about the timing. The intent still counts" so that's what I'm doing.

Even if I haven't been drawing much of my UV kiddies, they are still important to me and I hope I can write their stories or draw their shenanigans more one day. When the ADD fixation lets me go of Ninjago of course XD

Til then, cheers Ru! You've grown a lot since you were a spunky and sensible lass in my head all those years ago <3

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