Saturday, November 4, 2023

9 movie doodles

 In a truly shocking twist of fate, I did not spend the entire week drawing. I spent it writing.

And the even more shocking thing is? I wrote roughly 12,500 words of fanfiction and I completed it before the week was over.

I just.

That has never happened to me before.

Finishing comic projects or drawing stuff really quickly, yes! but this was a new flavor of hyperfixation and I am deeply confused by it even if I enjoyed myself a lot

But I still drew something to throw at my self imposed "I show you something I drew every week" routine, so even if it was a weird writey week it doesn't disrupt my schedule

Seriously though. 12 and a half thousand words. In 6 days.

Definitely a week to remember fondly, even if I am still scratching my head wondering how I did that.

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