Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ch.1. How It All Started - part.2

A few days later; on the full moon...

Ruby: Grandma, I'm going to the town center now!  It's the full moon tonight!

Grandma: Don't you dare go without Fang!

Ruby:  But why do I have to take him with me?

Grandma: You know very well why!  You wanted a pet, and I allowed you to have one on the condition that you look after it, and take it when and wherever you go!

Ruby:  Fine...  FANG! (calls Fang)  We're going to the town center!

Fang:  I think you're mad.

Ruby: Everyone says that.

(a little later at the town center hall, Ruby meets her friends Pandora (a red Leopard), and Jett (a black horse))

Ruby:  Hi Pandora!  Hi Jett!

Pandora: Hello Ruby, Fang.

Jett: Are you here for the announcement from the Vampire Lord?

Ruby:  Yup!  I want the job, and I'm going to get it!

Pandora:  Hear that?  the Vampire Lord is about to speak!

(end of part 2)

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