Monday, September 29, 2014

Ch.1. How It All Started - part.3

The Vampire Lord appears amid crashing lightning and rolling thunder!

Vampire Lord: Greetings, my subjects.  As you all know, I needed young, eager vampires to spy on the normal animals, and you've gratefully volunteered yourselves for your kind.

(several hours pass as the Vampire Lord waffles on and on...explaining ideas and strategies, and eventually gets to the point)

Vampire Lord: ...Pandora Nightsong - you will be sent undercover into the Silvercloud School.  Leeroy Blackfang - You will be sent undercover into the Sunset Waters School.  And Ruby Deathdancer, you will be sent undercover into the Golden Forests School.  You will all depart for your chosen school in six hours.  Student backpacks containing all the equipment you need will be supplied before you leave.  I wish you all the best of luck.

(a little later)

Pandora: What do you think our schools will be like?

Ruby:  Strange and big!  We need to target the younger kids in order to get the information we need.

Jett:  But if we target the teachers, we can get more information quicker!

Fang:  You've all been spread out over the six main schools in our area, so none of you will be in the same place at the same time.

Ruby:  Correction Fang - you're coming with me!

Fang:  What?! Why?!

Ruby:  Grandma's rules, remember?

Pandora: We'd better hurry home before the sun rises.

Jett:  You worry too much Pandora - we've got hours before sunrise.

(the friends sit and discuss their school strategies before heading home - Spy adventuring awaits!)

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