Monday, October 13, 2014

Ch.2. The School Infiltration - part.1

A few hours later, Ruby and Fang walk to the Golden Forests School.

Ruby: So...  this is a school...

Fang: Are pets allowed at school?

Ruby:  Only one way to find out!

They pass a sign that reads:  

Remember to clean up after your pets!

Ruby:  I guess that answers THAT question...

Fang:  I DO NOT leave messes behind!  I always hide the bodies...

(as Ruby enters through the school gates and into a courtyard, she bumps into some girls)

Ruby:  Hey!  Watch where you're going!  I'm walking here!

Victoria (a Pink Leopard): Are you blind?  I'll have you know that I was walking here!!!

Fang: We - I mean she, was walking here first!

Elizabeth (a Pink Lion): SPIDER!!!!

(the girls run away in terror)

Ruby:  Make a note Fang, Kids are scared of talking spiders!

Fang:  Let's keep exploring.

(they cross the courtyard and pass a fountain with strange helmet in it)

Ruby: I wonder if that's where they put bad students?

Fang:  Probably - at least it keeps them clean -  - lets go find our classroom.

Ruby:  Right-e-o,  let's try up these stairs...

(Ruby and Fang continuing exploring until they find a room full of desks - a teacher stops them)

Mrs Redleaf: Hello my dear child.  Are you new to this school?  I haven't met you before - what's your name?

Ruby:  I am Ruby, and yes - I am new here.

Mrs Redleaf:  Welcome to my classroom.  We're about to start for the day.  You can sit at the red desk over there in the left corner.

(Fang sticks his head out of Ruby's backpack to get a breath of fresh air)

Fang: Phew!!  It smells like dead...

Ruby: Be Quiet!  and Stay Down!

(Ruby shoves Fang back down into the backpack)

Mrs Redleaf:  Eeeek - there's a poisonous spider in your backpack!

(the teacher grabs the backpack and throws it out the window)

Ruby:  Hey - that was my bag!

(Ruby tries to head back to the door)

Mrs Redleaf: It's too dangerous - I won't allow you to go downstairs to fetch it back!

(end of part 1)

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