Monday, October 20, 2014

Ch.3. Family Issues - part.1

Ruby and Fang wander about the school for awhile.  

Fang:  This place is weird on so many levels.

Ruby:  Yeah, all of the kids in that class are terrified of Everwinter Forest - my home!

Fang:  Why were you trying to bring the enemy into our village?

Ruby:  So we can scare the pants off them with a full-on Vampire attack!

Fang:  Do they even wear pants?

Just then, they return to the fountain where lots of the children had gathered in groups.

Ruby:  Probab...  HIDE!

Ruby grabs Fang and rushes off to a corner to hide.

Fang:  ?!?...

Ruby:  Be quiet for half a minute if you love being alive!

Fang:  (whispers) Why?

Ruby:  I spied someone.

Fang:  Well, you are a spy - that's the idea!

Ruby:  I spied a blue fourth cousin once removed...  named...  Sapphire!

Fang:  Not Sapphire!  Anyone but Sapphire!  Ummm, who's Sapphire?

Ruby:  I already told you - she's my cousin.  Fourth cousin actually - and we don't get on.  She hates me, and she hates all vampires!

Fang:  That's not good.  In fact, it's bad!

Ruby: Full marks for stating the blooming obvious.  We have to avoid meeting her at all costs or our mission for the Vampire Lord will FAIL!

(They watch Sapphire and her White Fox friend Mandy walk off to class)

Fang:  We have to find Mr Stonecloud's class.

Ruby:  Let's hope Sapphire isn't in that class!

Ruby and Fang quickly head in the opposite direction.


  1. Eek! Umm, another question: Is Sapphire a vampire since she is Ruby's cousin?

    1. COOL!!!!! I got a vampire cat on cs and its so cute!

      Pepsi: you said I hope she's not in our class. I BET SHE US!!! SHE IS ISN'T SHE!!!??? Huh huh huh!!!!! I'm so right.

      Sky paw: excuse my RUUUUDE friend.

      Pepsi: I'm not your friend I'm your sister!

      Sky paw: uuh.. No...

    2. We weren't sure either, we thought we'd wait and see... but she didn't turn up, so - no.

  2. Not everyone born into a vampire family is a vampire, and sometimes vampires appear outside those families. I'm not sure if Sapphire is, or isn't, a vampire yet... time will tell!


    That's why i love Fang.
