Saturday, October 22, 2016

Contance Nutthara

Hello! Let us get into the spirit of the occasion, shall we?

I'm thinking of ideas and quirks for Ollie's elder sisters (seeing he has three of 'em), and I've decided that one of them (see above) is interested in theater and... maybe old Victorian gowns? Shoot, haven't thought this through... 
I need to start planning things ahead more...

*note to self - Remember to draw more things with dresses and masks in future*
*Other note to self - And get better with drawing hands and arms*


  1. (that's so weird.. i thought there would be lots of other comments on your recent posts.. i guess not)

    Anyway. This looks nice. Looks like there are feelings of texture in it (the art effects and all that cool digital art stuff). Nice outfit too. Drawing hands and arms- so they actually look like arms- are quite the struggles for me as well. I guess the only thing I don't like is that the top half of the body is the same width of the neck. But I've seen that a lot in your drawings, so I assume that's just your drawing style and not an accidental drawing error.

    1. The viewings I get everyday don't lie, though - a lot of people still come and see my stuff whenever I post; the comments are just a bonus!

      Yup! I couldn't change that even if I tried for half an hour! Anything else would just look alien to me... :)

    2. Ah, that's another way to look at it. :) (though now i have 10-20 less views, but hey, still views).

      Ah cool ok c:

  2. She's really pretty. Reminds me of a gothic lolita.
