Saturday, April 29, 2017

Blue hoodie girl

Howdy! Nice to see you all again! I'm assuming you're here for the weekly picture? Then you've obviously come to the right place!

Bit of a quickie, but I'm pretty proud on how it turned out overall!

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Brik the Irken Soldier

Hello! It be Saturday Night once more... And d'you know what that means?

... Absolutely not! It's a picture from the gallery of yours truly <3

I took a sketch from a few weeks back and made it better. I dub him Brik, but it could very well be Zim! Or, like, the millions of other Irken's that look like that...
Seriously, you see one of these annoying little aliens, you've seen 'em all.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Reverse Sapphire

 Evening, all! Glad you decided to drop by for a minute. I guess I better make your visit worthwhile, eh?

I decided to draw Sapphire in her opposite colours. Just for fun. And I guess it was a good pose exercise!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Robin and Scarlet

Hello! It's that time of week again!

I think I'm getting better at birds!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Cherry Archer

A birthday gift for a friend of mine.

Happy Birthday, mate! This probably wasn't what you had in your head, but that was you're fault for not being specific with me! 

Well, in any case I had fun with armor! :)

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Pirate Pup

Evening, guys.

Something I drew a few weeks back, but never bothered to finish until tonight, mainly because of how proud I was on how that eye turned out (and also I had nothing else prepared)!