Saturday, April 22, 2017

Brik the Irken Soldier

Hello! It be Saturday Night once more... And d'you know what that means?

... Absolutely not! It's a picture from the gallery of yours truly <3

I took a sketch from a few weeks back and made it better. I dub him Brik, but it could very well be Zim! Or, like, the millions of other Irken's that look like that...
Seriously, you see one of these annoying little aliens, you've seen 'em all.


  1. How do they tell each other apart?

    1. They probably don't, to be honest. Although I guess that's not an issue for them, seeing as they usually spend their time conquering other planets individually, so the only Irken's they have to recognize is Tallest Red and Purple (which is pretty easy), and any important officers that they report to.

      ... And Zim. Not necessary, but it's good to keep tabs on unwanted idiots.
