Saturday, April 29, 2017

Blue hoodie girl

Howdy! Nice to see you all again! I'm assuming you're here for the weekly picture? Then you've obviously come to the right place!

Bit of a quickie, but I'm pretty proud on how it turned out overall!


  1. *randomly barges in* Heyo Apple! ^v^ It's been a while... how are you doing? I'm drawing when I can while suffering art block right now... It's frustrating ><

    1. Hello again, Twinkle! Yes, I agree, but that's ok. At the moment I'm sick (don't worry, not dying), but I'll get over it.

      I was starting to worry you had quit drawing, so thanks for the quick update! Have you ever tried drawing a hybrid of a mouse and snake? Me neither. Hope you get inspired again soon! :)
