Thursday, May 25, 2017

In memory of the most educated demented dachshund in town

Hi... So, I know you guys were expecting me to finish the 'masquerade costume' picture (and believe me, I'm almost done), but... Well, to put it simply, our pet dog died early this morning, and as you can imagine, I'm not really in the mood to post something of that kind tonight.

So instead of a short story of UV, this is a tribute to a dwarf miniature cinnamon dachshund, who was as weird as he was cute and funny... AKA, Pippin.

As much as I would like to write down everything about this mad nutcase of a dog, I'm going to try and keep this short. Just some details I think you guys would like to know.


Pippin was a cheese enthusiast, a sushi and egg lover, a marshmallow addict, and a drinker of many things (such as coffee and tea). He also tended to eat a lot of unattended chocolate when everyone was out of the house; strangely enough, this never killed him, much to our amusement. And he had a habit of eating tissues, although I suppose every dog will do that if given half the chance...

When we do school in the kitchen, he'd scratch at the door, begging to be let out onto the porch (much to our annoyance), and then a few minutes later he'd whine and claw to be let back in. I'd sometimes put my foot in the way to, y'know, stop him scratching at the screen door, but then he'd just claw at my feet gently, or look at me in a depressed manner. That was always funny, and it tickled when he pawed me.

In the afternoon (after school), he'd usually sit on one of his two chairs - the small green one in front of the TV, with his own big puffy tiger-patterned pillow with a fluffy blanket on it, or the big black leather one in the computer corner, where he could keep an eye on all those he didn't trust; this also acted as his bed the majority of the time.

And when it came around Friday night or Saturday lunch, he'd trot around the table, weaving in and out of legs (both human and wooden), waiting for a scrap or two to fall down to him, because clearly that was far better than the dog food that was already in his bowl. (But if we had sushi, we'd save him a piece or two and put it into his dish after we'd all finished. Although he'd then immediately take it out and put it on the tile floor to eat, but I guess none of us minded - he was like a fluffy vacuum)

One of my favorite times with him was when he came for 'stories'; self explanatory, but I'll explain anyway - after dinner and a quick shower, mum will come into our bedroom to read us a book. And Pippin, when he got the memo that it was story time, would stop what he was doing and trot after mum and get up on the bed with us, usually snuggling down on top of the covers and under a light quilt, and we all listened to story. I'd stroke his head and back every now and then, playing with his paws, and generally enjoying a nice quiet night...


And now he's dead.

... Yeah, that wasn't exactly short, but those were some things I wanted to share with you about him. Maybe next year I'll do this again and give you some more information about Pippy - to help remind me of the good times we had with him... Who knows? It might help the pain that's sure to follow us from now on.

And I hope you guys don't mind me taking a week or so to get used to the slightly more empty house before I continue working on UV stories or Fraener's Past... I need some time to recover from the shock and depression.


  1. Oh my gosh, so sorry for your lost. I bet you and your family have so many great memories of your dog. Aww, that silly dork pup. :') Rest in peace, Pippin. Oh and it's totally fine to take a break from your art and stories if you can't focus on working on them now. ♡♡

  2. Aww, that sounds sad! //slapped for my lack of vocabulary ;_;

    But really, it's extremely depressing to suddenly lose someone that close to you... (I probably don't exactly understand the feeling too well, since I never had a pet before and haven't really lost anyone so dear to me yet... not that I want to give it a try, but I still feel you) Don't worry, though, and cheer up soon, he's in a better place, with more cheese, more sushi, and more chocolate than he can ever finish C: I'm sure he's also wishing for you to recover sooner! (How cliche, I know, but please don't mind me)

    And till then we'll just patiently wait for you to put up some new, fun stories! (And also all the Saturday pictures) I'm not sure if this comment helped at all (or bothered you more instead... I'm so sorry if that's the case) since I'm so bad at saying things that are actually comforting... but I'd be really glad if I could lend even the slightest bit of a hand @^-^@ Just... hope to see you soon.

    1. It's okay. I'm not great at words or comforting others either, so I appreciate you spending ten minutes trying to find some words to help me; really, I do. So thanks! <3

      And don't worry about me too much. People have gone through worse situations than mine and have lived, so I should be okay. You wont have to wait long for me to get back into the swing of things! I'll be funny and weird in no time at all!

      Be seeing you around! :)

  3. Oh...Oh my...I am so sorry...
    I remember you telling me about him. He...looks so cute. I am so sorry. I'm here for you.

    1. Thanks for your support, EPet. I haven't heard from you in a bit, so it's nice to know you're still out and about, doing stuff behind the screen and being all secretive...

      I'll be okay. I hear Time is a great healer! Also old comedy TV shows about the 2nd World War.
      ... And books.

    2. We need to talk more. Sorry for my disappearance. Good thing we're back in contact again!
