Saturday, June 3, 2017

"Become a Dragon veterinarian, they said..."

Hi. Didn't mean to keep you all waiting for so long! Forests are a pain to draw, especially if you hate drawing backgrounds to begin with, like me...
Anyway, it's here, so take a look!

"'Become a Dragon Veterinarian, they said... It'll be fun, they said'... Yeesh. If we ever get back into civilization, Barak, remind me to burn down the house of whoever thought becoming a 'Dragon Vet' was a good idea. Or in the very least, make them buy me two rounds of apple-flavored coffee... It's been months since I've had one of those, and personally, I'm not a big fan of the cheap Fey version..."

I've been experimenting with possible career choices for the main cast, and for some reason, I liked the idea of Ruby become a Veterinarian - More specifically, a veterinarian for Dragons!

I dunno.. It seemed cool, and it does give her the excuse to travel the big scary world with a license to carry a few dozen knives, illegal items, and a baby Dragon! Well, not that you'd need one, but that's beside the point!

And to clarify, Ruby is like, 25 or something in this picture... And yes, that is dried blood on her shirt. And jacket. And jeans.
... And maybe her backpack... 

... They never said being a vet was pretty!



    1. Sugar could never hope to out-sweet you in ten thousand years, EPet. Thank you <3

  2. I like how you drew this- especially the bottom part of the background and Ruby!
