Thursday, June 22, 2017

UV Short Stories - #2 - "Well, to be fair..."

"I just feel so stupid... I mean, it was right in front of my nose the whole time! Like, seriously! How did I not recognize you?"

"Well, to be fair, it has been over five years since we last saw each other, and I didn't know it was you, either! Well, not until I figured out who your mother was..."

"Yeah, but I've changed a lot since then... You? Hardly at all. You're still the same Ruby I knew back when we were kids; a snobbish know-it-all who had a thing for plants and dragon books."

Ruby suppressed a choke of laughter and playfully punched Sapphire's shoulder.

"Me? Snobbish? Have you taken a look in the mirror lately, mate? I think you'll find you're far worse than I am!"

The blue kangaroo rolled her eyes and gave an irritated growl

"Oh, shut up."

Well... It started off as an experiment, then proceeded onto a possible Saturday night picture, then finally ended up becoming a short story.
If I keep this up, I might even enjoy adding semi complex backgrounds to these pictures! Or hate them even more... I dunno. Kinda fifty-fifty at this point.

Anyway! So, I have NO IDEA what's going on in here. Well, some idea, but not enough to explain it. Take out of this what you will.


  1. Oh my...

    GIVE US MORE RUBY-SAPPHY FRIENDSHIP MOMENTS! I can't get enough of these two >< Especially Sapphy... and Ruby, tbh, I was expecting you to say that Sapphy didn't change much either... that'd be sweet, but this conversation is awesome the way it is, I guess ^^ Waiii!

    1. Glad you liked it! Let me see what I can do about the 'more Ruby-Sapphy' moments... *starts to rub hands together* Ooooh boy, do I have some ideas that I've been waiting to publish for a long while!
      Lets see if my current art skills are up to the challenge! >:)

    2. Waii!! Go go, Apple!

      Oh, right, speaking of changing... (a little "deep" (yeah, as if) talk over here, hope you don't mind ^^") Apple hasn't changed too. I just suddenly felt like it's been long since Cupcake the Leopard existed, then I looked back and found out that it's been 3 years since the beginning of UV. Sugoi! Being the nostalgic person that I am, I sometimes look back at the comments I used to post on here, and boy, I talk completely differently now. A lot of things have changed since then over here... I cannot even believe that I'm the same person anymore. Not a bad thing, no comment. But you didn't change at all since I came back to check the new Saturday posts- still the same Apple who started UV. I think that's admirable, and although I believe that you'd still be amazing (perhaps even more) if you did change, thanks for staying awesome ^^

      Yup. Just dropped by to say this awkward thing. Sowwy.

    3. *Salutes* Thank you! Means a lot to hear something like that from you. Love you very muchly, Twinkle! <3
