Sunday, August 20, 2017

"What'cha doing, cuz?"

Heyo! Did this little piece last week, but I thought some of you guys might be interested... Heck, I even gave it some dialog!

... Yeah, I know! Exciting! Anyway, here it is.

"Heya, cuz!"
"Hello, Sapphire."
"What'cha doing?"
"Mm, Reading."
"Reading what?"
"... Stuff."
"... Are you going to get off me, or...?"
"Nah. Too much work. Besides, your heads comfy."
"Of course."


Just a little scenario I made up in my head. Ruby's reading, Sapphire was wandering around the house being bored, so she stopped by for a second to see what her cousin was doing.
Although, I bet Ruby wishes she would just get off her head... 

Also, this was a good excuse to make Ruby wear something 'house-worthy'.


  1. Nice. I always thought of Ruby as being one who loves to read. :)

    1. Yeah! But she's usually off adventuring through the country-side and whatnot, so she never has the time to do so (or if she does, she doesn't get very far).

    2. Yeah haha true. I like to think of Ruby reading books after a long day of adventures. Whenever she has time to that is, which is probably rare. :')
