Saturday, June 9, 2018

Blue-Crystal Demon

Hey. Apologies for the lack of enthusiasm on my part, it's just been quite a week for me...
Nothing wrong with it, but for some reason it was just one of those kinda weeks where no matter what I did I couldn't... I just HATED everything I drew. Even this handsome devil of a kid, despite me abosulutely adoring it the first night I started drawing it...
Tried to draw something I liked better today. Couldn't. Gave up in frustration, and accepted the fact that it was either this picture or the weird 70's dragon-mermaid monstrosity I made 2 weeks ago.

Yes. I'm aware this looks awesome. Common sense is telling me that too; I did a good job on the crystals, the shorts I gave him look amazing and his torso looks great... But it's just at the moment my brain is screaming at me to throw this in the trash.

*Shrugs* I'll get over this mood(?) eventually, don't worry. Always do. But I need to shove my tablet on the far side of the chair until I do, cuz' otherwise I'm gonna cry another river of frustration, and frankly I'm getting sick doing that this week.

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