Saturday, June 2, 2018

Dust Doctor

Hi guys! Hope you're all doing okay on this fine day~
Got the idea for this picture while thinking about cool nicknames; for some reason I really liked the name Dust-Doctor, and the thought refused to leave me so I just HAD to do this; the background practically added itself too, so that was cool. :)

... Funny thing happened to me on the way to bed last night. Okay, more like it happened AS I was falling into bed; somehow managed to twist my leg so bad I couldn't get up until this morning.
Nothing too serious; should be back to normal in the next day or so, but DANG the memory of that sickening crik-crik-crickity-CRACK is still ringing in my ears... *Shudders*
*Note to self - Try to not do that ever again*

Anyway! See you all next week, and try not to dislocate any of your important limbs or something! Seriously, would only recommend doing that if you wanted to avoid being social or just really wanted an excuse to stay in bed with a lot of pillows all day...


  1. Dust Doctor sounds so cool- I like it! Nice outfit there. :)
    Yikes, hope your leg is doing okay!

    1. Thanks! And yes, my leg is pretty much okay now; just gonna have to take it easy on sharp corners and stairs for a little while. :)
