Saturday, January 26, 2019

Pink Elf

Heya, guys! Nothing real special tonight, I'm afraid; just a little something I did this afternoon in a rush to have something ready for tonight's post..

Still looks pretty good, though. :)

Saturday, January 19, 2019

White-Haired Gal

Aah, it's Saturday night again...And you know what that means, right?

It's time for a PICTURE POST!!!

I've been kinda busy these past few days, so I kinda half-panicked and got this done all in a rush... But it still looks pretty good, if I do say so myself!
It was super fun drawing the background, too; usually I'd struggle for about an hour or something before settling down or straight up giving up, but this was actually pretty fun throughout the whole ordeal! And surprisingly simple. :)

ALSO I might see if I can start setting up some of those extra pages I've been meaning to update sometime (like the Character Bios' or maybe the Information page)... it would mean more work, but on the plus side it means it gives me a good excuse to avoid literally everything else on my to-do list.

We'll see how lazy I feel. :)

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Ruby & Aeron

Right. After almost 5 weeks of inactivity on this blog, I think It's about time I started posting again! Finally!

SO... Kickin' it off with a good Ruby pic I finished this afternoon!

As the groups' main source of common sense, Ruby tries to keep everyone out of unnecessary trouble while on their adventures... but that can get old real fast. Especially when your only running on a few hours sleep and dealing with a certain black money-grabbing cheetah.
Still. She tries. :)