Saturday, January 12, 2019

Ruby & Aeron

Right. After almost 5 weeks of inactivity on this blog, I think It's about time I started posting again! Finally!

SO... Kickin' it off with a good Ruby pic I finished this afternoon!

As the groups' main source of common sense, Ruby tries to keep everyone out of unnecessary trouble while on their adventures... but that can get old real fast. Especially when your only running on a few hours sleep and dealing with a certain black money-grabbing cheetah.
Still. She tries. :)


  1. Yay, a new post! :D
    (I've been checking your blog kinda-sorta often the past few weeks. ahahahah.)
    I like how you draw faces. Their eyes.. yes, I sense emotion and personality! I also like how the little one (Aeron) is clinging onto Ruby while being held. It's cute. <3

    1. Eey, thanks mate! Yeah, I was pretty proud with how this turned out.. Glad you liked it too! :)

  2. Hmm, I swear I thought I replied. That's strange...

    You're welcome! That's good. :)

    (Oh by the way, are you still able to create and publish posts with pictures in them? Weird question, I know.)

    1. :) (Oh hmm, well that makes it more mysterious for me then haha.. ok.)

  3. Ruby’s so cool. I wouldn’t mess with her!
    And, Aeron is so cute!
    Applestorm I just love this picture! You have been able to put so much expression into Ruby and Aeron’s facial expressions and body language. I can imagine a whole scene just from this picture.
    Great work!!!
