Saturday, May 25, 2019

City Snow

 Hi there! So.. um...

I realized a little while ago (two month or so at this point) that I was kinda avoiding drawing backgrounds and more focused on characters and stuff. 
On the one hand I was thinking "that's okay, you've been struggling with other arty things anyway - work on your BG skills later" and the other hand was like "COWARD you just don't want the world to see how AWFUL your environments are!".
So I was kinda sitting there like "Alright. I'll do something about it later." And never did. (Typical of me I know, but hey at least I wasn't stressed or nothin')

So this week as I was sketchin' random stuff on my computer, I sorta internally told myself that hey, maybe I should do more than just a vague impression of a background for a change.. and, um.. yeah.

Gonna try and do that more often. :)

*Waves goodbye absentmindedly and drifts off to do other things, having completed my task*

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Pink Demon Lady

 Hello there! We've made it through another week..


Sorta stumbled through this one because I was kinda tired, but it came out pretty alright.
High-heels are something I never thought I'd enjoy drawing. Yet I do. *Shrugs* :)

Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Vampire Witch, the Werewolf Knight, and their Kleptomaniac King

 Why HELLO THERE, good sir! Fancy meeting you in a place like this! Did you come for the tea and biscuits? Sorry to disappoint you old chap, but there doesn't seem to be any left.. Heard the goblins came by and scoffed the lot before any of us had a chance to get them.
But SAY, there's still this fancy looking picture untouched on the other side of the room! Might be worth a good look at, if your into that sort of thing... Mind the china bits all over the floor, though. Murder on the footwear, that stuff is...


Some familiar dorks with their weapons of choice... Ruby with her retractable metal rod, Reginald with his heavy battle sword, and Midnight with some cutlery he found on the way out of some fancy guy's kitchen.
Ah, Midnight.. never change. :)

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Sittin' Around

 Hey, guys. It is now the month of May; almost half the year gone already.
Wish I could say I'm surprised, but considering how busy I've been (what with drawin' and school and stuff)  ... eh.

I need to do backgrounds more often. So long as I don't stress about making it perfectly geometrical or whatever, it can actually be kinda fun!
Not stairs, tho. They're still a bleedin' mystery. *annoyed huff of confusion*