Saturday, May 25, 2019

City Snow

 Hi there! So.. um...

I realized a little while ago (two month or so at this point) that I was kinda avoiding drawing backgrounds and more focused on characters and stuff. 
On the one hand I was thinking "that's okay, you've been struggling with other arty things anyway - work on your BG skills later" and the other hand was like "COWARD you just don't want the world to see how AWFUL your environments are!".
So I was kinda sitting there like "Alright. I'll do something about it later." And never did. (Typical of me I know, but hey at least I wasn't stressed or nothin')

So this week as I was sketchin' random stuff on my computer, I sorta internally told myself that hey, maybe I should do more than just a vague impression of a background for a change.. and, um.. yeah.

Gonna try and do that more often. :)

*Waves goodbye absentmindedly and drifts off to do other things, having completed my task*


  1. Nice job on the background! I also like how you draw snow. (or is it a special type of brush?) it looks very snow-like indeed.

    and is that a grumpy gloomy kitty I see?

    1. Ey, thanks! Yup, I used a simple brush tool to draw the snow, but the fluffy blurry effects are a little bit more tricky to pull off.. so it makes me happy to hear it turned out pretty good! (considering I had no idea what I was doing XD)

      And yes. Yes it is. Grumpy kitty is grumpy at you~ <3

    2. No problem~
      Ah ok, that's cool! :)
      hehe, grumpy kitty..~
