Saturday, June 1, 2019

Local Artist back at it again

Hey guys! First day of June's today. Pretty much half way through the year already! Whodathunk? :)

 Something a bit simpler from all the background practice I've been doing this week. Still looking good, though!
Might make a good sticker, now that I'm thinking about it... *takes mental note that will probably get lost at the back of mind until someone brings it up again*


  1. Cute :)
    The character's hair looks fluffy, and I like how you wrote your signature here.

    1. Thanks! <3
      I LOVE writing my signature! It's just so satisfying, writing it all out, then adding the little leaf and lightning bit at the end, and then COLOURING IT! Ah, it's good. :)
      Dunno why I don't do it more often, then.. (maybe because I find it a bit distracting or think it's unnecessary..? *shrugs* eh. XD)

    2. YES. I love the details you add to your signature- the colors, the leaf, the lightning.. it fits the name 'Applestorm' quite well!
