Saturday, June 15, 2019

House of Cards

 Heyo. Don't really have the concentration for anything at the moment, so I'mma just post and go on with my foggy brain. That cool? Cool.

The UV team as the 4 suit of cards - Harland as Hearts, Ruby as Spades, Midnight with Diamonds and Reginald Clubs. I had a lot of fun with this one.
Midnight's on top of the podium because he's the king (and not because he's short or anything, noo..). Ruby looks like she has better things to do than pose for me. And Reggie and Harland went full cosplay, now that I think about it. Ah, true drama kings to the end. :)


  1. I love them all! Their outfits!! Each suit of cards fits them; I can totally see Ruby as spades and Harland as hearts (also, that bird dude rocks wearing dresses). I love how Ruby is just sitting while the other ones are standing and looking so grand. :D

    1. Haha, nice! Glad you like them all! (And yes Harland does rock the dress quite fabulously XD)

    2. Of course I do, they all are iconic! (especially that dress Harland is wearing <3)
