Saturday, May 4, 2019

Sittin' Around

 Hey, guys. It is now the month of May; almost half the year gone already.
Wish I could say I'm surprised, but considering how busy I've been (what with drawin' and school and stuff)  ... eh.

I need to do backgrounds more often. So long as I don't stress about making it perfectly geometrical or whatever, it can actually be kinda fun!
Not stairs, tho. They're still a bleedin' mystery. *annoyed huff of confusion*


  1. AAAAHHHHHHH I love this one too!! I love your art! :D
    I like how you drew the stairs, actually. *just notices where you put your signature* ooh nice! I also really like how you drew their postures and it really hints at their personalities. I like the hoodie guy's face and the other guy's hair. Gosh, you're talented. Thanks for posting your art. <3
    hhhfnsghdgnfh bye
