Saturday, April 27, 2019

Spiders a-plenty

Hi there! Literally spent most of the week drawing some custom Spider stickers for me and my siblings.. cuz, y'know. I like spiders.
Overall it was pretty fun, but I think that drained my creative juices a lot so I probably wont be doing anything like that again for a while... 
Literally don't have the mental energy right now, so I'll just leave them here and go.
See you all next week! :)


  1. I tried commenting anonymously on my phone last week, but I don't think the comments went through..? Uh anyway...

    I really like these! I love how you drew, designed, and colored each of them. You're so good at drawing spiders, webs, and hearts (haha). I love all of them, so I can't pick a favorite. :'D

  2. Haha, yeah! Spiders are AWESOME! <3
