Saturday, April 13, 2019

Aeron DeathDancer, your local confused dimensional-hopper

Another good week has come to an end, and with it I offer you the fruits of one of my labors - a picture of Aeron trying to figure out the secrets of his strange magical powers.

Just for the record, I have no idea how to draw portal-magic.. But I like how goopy it looks, while at the same time being floaty and misty. S'pretty cool!
The dripping background and the runes and stuff were quite fun to draw, too. And after shoving it through a filter or two, it didn't end up looking half bad! 

( But seriously tho Aeron never travel to the actual bottom of the ocean ever again, you stupid impulsive reckless power-hungry brave boy. <3 )


  1. Hey, I just want to let you know I've been reading your posts every week. I haven't been commenting much lately because I'm having issues with commenting on mobile. I usually check your blog on my phone, but I'm on my computer right now so I decided to stop by and leave a comment.

    1. For some reason, I love that name. Aeron. It sounds very nice. Good job.
    2. I love the "letters" you put in the background and that dark portal-magic stuff. Especially from his left hand (paw? what do you call them? lol).
    <3 :)

    1. Ey, thanks! Yeah, and I know you've also been pretty busy with other stuff too, so I appreciate you comin' over to comment. :)

      Aeron is indeed a good name. It suits him quite nicely.
      And thank you! Haha, his paw-claw-hand thing.. he's a kangaroo/penguin hybrid, we can call his limbs whatever we want! XD

    2. You're welcome!
      Ah haha, that's cool. Gotcha. :)
