Saturday, April 6, 2019


 Heyo! Been drawing lots this week... filled out 4 pages of my super big sketchbook, a few dozen miscellaneous things on the computer, including this pretty piece of work and an entire page filled with nothing but kiwi birds!
My hand hurts at the moment, but tis' a small price for productivity! >:)

I'm currently having one of those moments where I'm just like "Wow, did I draw that? I don't remember being able to do that.. Neat!"... because I honestly can't believe I managed to draw something like this and I'm really quite proud of it.. even it if it is pretty simple. <3


  1. ooh, kiwi birds!!

    Good job on the pose in this one! You deserve to be proud. :)

    1. Thank you! Yeah, was pretty happy with this...
      Is good. :)
