Monday, April 1, 2019

UV Comic sketches

HI! Oh boy. Remember a little while ago about me saying something about trying to make a comic and maybe even posting it on here? WELL! I've finally done it!

(Anyone who keeps a close eye on my Instagram would have already seen this stuff ages ago, but whatever.)


Basically the context for this little strip is that Midnight is in desperate need of money to pay the bills and to look after all the kids and animals under his care, and to maybe try and avoid starting a war with Reginald's brother.
Midnight is in his early 40's or something in this; he's been running the kingdom for a good while now [about 20 years], and he's established the 'accidentally adopting anything and everything that needs a home' routine... And other stuff I can't be bothered spelling out...

You may have noticed that there isn't much dialog, but considering I didn't have a script for this when I started, I think you'll agree it's not too badly off. (I had a lot more dialog sketched out but most of it didn't make it to the final cut, for better or worse) A few frames may be missing too, but not enough so that it needs explaining, so I'm just gonna leave it like it is.

I am... WAY to tired to be dealing with this any longer, so I'm just gonna go back to fun drawing things and finally post this. After 3 weeks of it just sitting there.
If you want any more detail on this just ask (obviously), and Happy April 1st! I didn't know it was that date until just a few hours ago. Hah. 
I can't tell if this is good timing or bad. 

Anyway! See you guys later! Enjoy this little weird comic I did. :)

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