Tuesday, September 24, 2019

5th Anniversary

After having a 7 hour nap and some very, VERY late dinner, I think I'm finally awake enough to post this!

Five years I've been doing this. For half a century I've been doing this UV Blog stuff.
Dang. Looking back at all the previous Anniversary Pictures, I realize how much I've developed over the years; along with my characters and my art! 
Well... *raises cup* Cheers to all you guys inside my head! May you soon be develop into something with which I can share with other people! :)


  1. Happy 5th anniversary!! :D
    I love the faces on your characters- they're so expressive and cute and.. I love them.

    'half a century' ?!?! do you mean decade? lol
    ... or is that supposed to be a vampire joke or something?-

    1. Thank you! <3

      Haha yeah, I probably meant to say decade - but considering I decided to write this all up and post it not even five minutes after I JUST woke up from all the shenanigans I went through that day, I think my brain did a little loop-de-loop and thought century was the word I wanted. XD Eh, I don't mind. Century is a cooler word than decade anyway.
